
An Introduction to Social Accountability Training

The purpose of this course is to introduce delegates to the social issues and questions facing today´s organisation, the significance of stakeholder concerns and the mechanisms which are being developed to assist organisations in addressing these issues. This intention is to ensure that delegates are aware of the options available to them and to introduce the ideas of current best practice.


The aims of the course are to ensure that delegates:

. understand the background to the Social Accountability / Corporate Citizenship movement in the market place and are aware of the drivers behind all stakeholders
. appreciate the role of non-governmental organisations (NGO) in the process
. are aware of current initiatives, such as Ethical Trading Initiative (ETI), SA 8000, Social and Ethical Accounting, Auditing and Reporting (SEAAR), the Triple Bottom Line and the Global Reporting initiative (GRI)
. understand the role of second and third party verification processes.